Dear ALL,
Crazymamas have this wonderful book to share - Oops! Both our children LOVE this book very much, even mamas LOVE it too. Boi R loves the part where Mister Wolf was banned from store, park and school. The tricks that Mister Wolf thought of to capture Preston Pig are funny too.
Introducing... A Preston Pig Story
Preston sets off to take a basket of food to his granny's, wearing a red coat and hood, and looking very much like Little Red Riding Hood. As ever, Mister Wolf is in hot pursuit, but he can't think which story Preston's red coat and hood reminds him of, and consequently can't remember what he is supposed to do...
Here's some review by others:-
Review 1:
This has been the bedtime story book of choice of my young daughter for the last 3 weeks.
She absolutely loves it although I must admit that I am now dreaming about falling chimney pots and Cunning Wolf Tricks.
She now knows all of the words and tries to get into character when reading with me.
I am now on Amazon looking for more Preston Pig and Colin McNaughton desperately trying to expand my literary repertoire.
She absolutely loves it although I must admit that I am now dreaming about falling chimney pots and Cunning Wolf Tricks.
She now knows all of the words and tries to get into character when reading with me.
I am now on Amazon looking for more Preston Pig and Colin McNaughton desperately trying to expand my literary repertoire.
Review 2:
My four year old son really enjoys this book, he finds it very funny. It really appeals to a four year olds' sense of humor. There are also things going on in the illustrations to talk about. As a parent, this is one that I enjoy reading too.
Review 3:
My five year old son loves this book and can tell the story almost word perfect. He loves the story and the wonderful illustrations and is always asking for more Preston Pig books. He loves the accidents that keep happening to Mister Wolf and never tires of the story. I would highly recommend all the Preston Pig books.
Review 4:
I work in a school and the children love all the Colin McNaughton books and 'Ooops!' was missing. The children loved this book just as much as the others - a great success.
Crazymama W
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